May El Hossamy is an Egyptian artist, photographer and documentary filmmaker. She was born in Cairo in 1980. She currently lives and works in Cairo. May has received her BFA in engraving from the school of Fine Arts in Cairo 2003 and her master degree in Art in the subject of Symbolism in ancient Egypt, at Aix-Marseille University in 2005. In 2008 she made her first film short documentary film called “Agaby” and won the first prize in a documentary festival in Cairo. In 2010, she has had two solo exhibitions, the first was mono prints and the second was a project that included photography, documentary film and an installation. In 2012, she took part in a group exhibition with a video art. Since 2010, May had done three more documentary films that were related indirectly to the social and political situation, “ Suspended freedom” and “ The square people” in 2011, “Censored love” in 2012 and “ In the name of tradition” in 2013. The last has won lately the 3rd prize in the Women vices now documentary film festival online. Censored love was screened in Cinema reel film festival in Paris, and been selected to be viewed in libraries across France. Suspended Freedom was screened in Ismailia film festival in 2012. In 2018 “Momuntum” won the second place in the Canon Middle east one minute movie competition. May’s main concerns are women in the Middle East, public awareness, religious conflicts and human rights.

“Art is a gateway to the subconscious and to the collective conscious of the Universe, where you give and receive emotions and informations. I let go of fear from entering into a world that I think I ignore. I let myself be guided by it, its symbolism, the Universal language that we all know by intuition.”
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